Rates and conditions

The rates used and the conditions under which the lessons are given are in line with the list of points for attention that is used by the K.N.T.V.: Koninklijke Nederlandse Toonkunstenaars Vereniging.

Children from 5 to 18 years:

Lesson duration and times:
In principle, this category of students takes one lesson per week; this lesson can take your choice of 30 or 60 minutes. A fixed lesson time is chosen in consultation that fits within the other (school) obligations of the student.

Lesson conditions:
The obligation to teach is entered into for 12 months. 38 lessons are given during this period.
The lesson conditions are described in detail in the lesson agreement, which must be signed for approval by one of the parents or guardians before the start of the lesson period.

Lesson time 30 minutes: 12 x € 91,–
Lesson time 60 minutes: 12 x € 152,–

Payment method:
The tuition fee must be paid at least one week before the start of the new month to bank account NL56 ABNA 0594 6124 62 in the name of. G. Müller in Amsterdam, stating the name of the student.

Adults (from 18 years):

Lesson duration and times:
An adult lesson lasts 60 minutes. The lesson time is always determined in consultation between teacher and student.

Lesson conditions:
For adult students, a lesson card is used, where one can choose units of 10 resp. 5 lessons or for individual lessons.

Lesson card for 10 lessons: € 525,–
Lesson card for 5 lessons: € 277.50
Individual lessons: € 65,–

Payment method:
Payment is made for the first lesson by bank account (account number NL56 ABNA 0594 6124 62 in the name of G. Müller in Amsterdam) or in cash on the first lesson.